david edward
paintings - bespoke jewellery - sculpture

David Edward Conolan in Art
David Edward Conolan in Art
Motivated by his own near death in July of ’99, David, empassioned, vibrant and with a renewed zest for life, took charge and changed his path in life. The former clothing designer began his new career whilst still in recovery and since his first solo exhibition in December of 1999, is always open to experimentation with new art mediums.
'It's very cool to do what you love. For me it needs to come from the heart. Color is something that has always held a fascination for me, a certain sense of excitement. Within all the noise of the world, creating is where I find peace. It becomes my meditation. It’s where I find focus and lose myself in the creation, not knowing the outcome until the journey is complete. My art is not always necessarily a conscious act. I simply begin, most often not knowing what may be created, and just play with the textures and shades using various tools that may just be lying around. A block of wood, the end of a saw, or even a plastic bag may come into play within my work. Then again at other times I start to create with a fully conscious direction, having already formed the picture in my minds eye. I have such an inner sense of excitement when a piece is completed that it brings me a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. I love the knowing that people gain enjoyment out of my work.'